Services Offered
- Growth monitoring and promotion
- Outpatient therapeutic program for the treatment of severe acute malnutrition cases without complications
- Targeted supplementary feeding program for under-five children with moderate acute malnutrition
- Targeted supplementary feeding program for pregnant and lactating women with moderate acute malnutrition
- Blanket supplementary feeding program for the pregnant and lactating women
- Comprehensive Care Center (CCC)
- Maternal Infant and Young Child Nutrition (MIYCN)
- Hospital feeding for inpatients
- Nutrition counseling and education on maternal, infant, and young child nutrition practices
- Nutrition screening and triaging of malnutrition cases.
- Micronutrient supplementation of under-five children and pregnant women at MCH
Eligibility Requirements- Growth monitoring and promotion
- Children under 5 years old
- Both refugees and Kenyan nationals
- Should have a mother child health booklet
Appointment requirements: Monthly appointments
Services available for the following age groups
- Weight measurement for Ages 0-59 months old
- Height/Length and MUAC measurement for ages 6-59 months old
- Feeding practices assessment (breastfeeding /complementary) for 0-59 months old
Services for children and the age groups
- Vitamin A supplementation 6-59 months old.
- Weight measurement for Ages 0-59 months old
- Height/Length and MUAC measurement for ages 6-59 months old
- Feeding practices assessment (breastfeeding /complementary) for 0-59 months old
- Deworming (children>12months old)
- Linkage and referral to other programs: Stabilization Centre/ Targeted Supplementary Feeding Program / Blanket Supplementary Feeding Program / Maternal Infant and Young Child Nutrition/Child protection/Community Health Program
Access Days and Time: (of Nutrition Services): Monday-Friday: 8AM-3PM
Eligibility Requirements: Outpatient therapeutic program for treatment of severe acute malnutrition cases without complications
- Children under 5 years old
- Severely acute malnourished without medical complication
- Be a refugee with a manifest
- esiding in the Kaapoka health Centre population catchment area
Appointment requirements: Weekly appointments; Monday
Services available for children aged 6-59 months old
- Weekly Nutritional assessment
- Weekly Medical complications assessment
- Weekly Prescription of Ready to use Therapeutic Feeds (RUTF)
- Prescription of broad-spectrum antibiotics on admission
- Vitamin A supplementation
- Deworming (children>12months old)
- Linkage and referral to other programs: Stabilization Centre/ Targeted Supplementary Feeding Program / Blanket Supplementary Feeding Program / Maternal Infant and Young Child Nutrition/Child protection/Community Health Program.
Access Days and Time: Monday: 8AM-3PM
Eligibility Requirements: Targeted supplementary feeding program for under five children with moderate acute malnutrition.
- Children 6-59 months old
- Be moderately acute malnourished based on nutrition assessment
- All clients discharged from the OTP
- Be a refugee with a manifest
Appointment requirements: Biweekly follow ups
Services provided for children aged 6-59 months
- Bi-Weekly follow up and Nutritional assessment
- Bi-Weekly Prescription of Ready to use Supplementary Feeds (RUSF)
- Linkage and referral to other programs Maternal Infant and Young Child Nutrition/Child protection/Community Health Program.
Access Days and Time: Wednesday: 8AM-3PM, Thursday: 8AM-3PM, Friday: 8AM-3PM, Saturday: 8AM-3PM
Eligibility Requirements: Targeted supplementary feeding program for pregnant and lactating women with moderate acute malnutrition
- Should be of a refugee status with a manifest
- Should be either pregnant or lactating with child less than 24 months old.
- Should have a mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) less than 21 centimeters. (This is an assessment of malnutrition)
- Should be residing within the Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kaapoka Health Centre catchment area, Kakuma 1.
Appointment requirements: Monthly follow up
- Services provided for all the pregnant and lactating mothers with children under 6 months regardless of their age.
- Children wil be assessed for feeding practices/breastfeeding
Access Days and Time: Wednesday: 8AM-3PM, Thursday: 8AM-3PM, Friday: 8AM-3PM, Saturday: 8AM-3PM
Eligibility Requirements: Blanket supplementary feeding program for the pregnant and lactating women
- All pregnant and lactating mothers with children under 6 months with Mother Child booklet.
- Should be of a refugee status with manifest
- Should be residing within the Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kaapoka Health Centre catchment area: Kakuma 1.
- Service requires an appointment
- Service available for women only
- Appointment requirements: Yes.
Access Days and Time: Wednesday: 8AM-3PM, Thursday: 8AM-3PM, Friday: 8AM-3PM, Saturday: 8AM-3PM
Eligibility Requirements: Comprehensive Care Center (CCC)
- Should be HIV/TB patients enrolled to be served at the Kaapoka Health Centre.
- Both Refugees and Kenyan nationals
Appointment requirements: Yes. (Depends on the medical review schedules)
- The services are open to all so long as they are enrolled to the TB/HIV treatment at the health facility.
- Service available for children aged 0-59 months -Caregivers counselled on MIYCN in special cases/PMTCT
Access Days and Time: Monday-Friday: 8AM-3PM
Eligibility Requirements: Maternal Infant and Young Child Nutrition (MIYCN)
- Pregnant and lactating mothers
- All children under 5 years old
- Be a refugee residing in Kakuma Refugee Camp with a manifest
- Have a mother and child health booklet.
Appointment requirements: Based on case-to-case assessment
- OVC service available for 0-6 Months old, orphaned children who meet the AFASS criteria
- Nutrtion assesment services available for 0-6 month old children
Access Days and Time: Monday: 8AM-3PM, Tuesday: 8AM-3PM, Wednesday: 8AM-3PM, Thursday: 8AM-3PM, Friday: 8AM-3PM
Saturday: 8AM-3PM
Eligibility Requirements: Nutrition counselling and education on maternal, infant and young child nutrition practices
- Pregnant and lactating mothers
- All children under 5 years old
- Be a refugee residing in Kakuma Refugee Camp with a manifest
- Have a mother and child health booklet.
Appointment requirements: Based on case-to-case assessment
- OVC service for 0-6 Months old, orphaned children who meet the AFASS criteria
- Nutrtion assesment services available for 0-6 month old children
Access Days and Time: Monday: 8AM-3PM, Tuesday: 8AM-3PM, Wednesday: 8AM-3PM, Thursday: 8AM-3PM, Friday: 8AM-3PM, Saturday: 8AM-3PM
Eligibility requirement: Hospital feeding
- Medical admission into the inpatient wards: Maternity ward
Appointment requirements: daily while admitted in the inpatient
Available for maternity pations only in all age groups
Access Days and Time: Daily
Visiting hours
- Monday: 7.30-8.00PM,1-2PM,5-6PM
- Tuesday: 7.30-8.00PM,1-2PM,5-6PM
- Wednesday: 7.30-8.00PM,1-2PM,5-6PM
- Thursday: 7.30-8.00PM,1-2PM,5-6PM
- Friday: 7.30-8.00PM,1-2PM,5-6PM
- Saturday: 7.30-8.00PM,1-2PM,5-6PM
- Sunday: 7.30-8.00PM,1-2PM,5-6PM
- The entrance to this location has a ramp.
- This location has female staff.
- This location has separate bathrooms for men and women.
- All services listed are free of charge.
- Interpretation is consistently available at this premises for Juba Arabic, Somali, Swahili, English, Nuer, Dinka, Didinka, French, Oromo languages.
- Female interpreters are available for Juba Arabic, Somali, Swahili, English, Nuer, Dinka, Didinka, French, Oromo languages.
Physical Address
Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kakuma 1, next to Don Bosco Technical Institute
Feedback mechanisms
- Telephone: 0701629346
- Help Desks stationed at IRC health facilities.
- Email address:
- Feedback boxes which are located at all IRC health facilities.
- Monthly community leaders’ feedback meetings.
- Visit IRC offices located in LWF Compound 1
- Feedback channel: 0701629346,
- The organization will respond to feedback received within 1 week
- The organization will respond to users who have raised comments/complaints via phone call, one on one conversations, emails.
- The organization will like to receive service user feedback from via phone conversation, email, one on one discussion. Feedback channels: 0701629346,
Feedback meetings
- Visit IRC offices located in Lutheran World Federation Compound 1
- The organization will respond to feedback received within an agreed time frame (0-3 days for critical cases, 0-7 days for cases with high priority, 0-14 days for cases with medium priority and 0-28 days for cases with low priority)
- The organization will respond to users through telephone or face-to-face meeting.