Kakuma: Healthcare - Amusait General Hospital (The IRC General Hospital)

International Rescue Committee (IRC)

Kakuma: Healthcare - Amusait General Hospital (The IRC General Hospital)  logo
Last updated: 7/16/2024



Health Services

  • Comprehensive primary healthcare (Maternal and child healthcare, including Immunizations, Pre-natal care, post-natal care, and Consultations for children) 
  • Consultations for adults: (Diagnosis and treatment of illnesses such as diarrhea, pneumonia, malaria, Diabetes, hypertension etc. 
  • Comprehensive nursing care services 
  • Comprehensive laboratory services  
  • Pharmacy services (Provision of medicine available to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees’ Essential Medicines and Medical Supplies List) 
  • Psychiatric treatment for persons with mental illness 
  • Medical services for Sexual and Gender-Based Violence survivors 
  • Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunity Syndrome and tuberculosis services (Testing, treatment, and counselling)  
  • Full in-patient services, a surgery theatre and imaging services (ultrasound and x-ray)  
  • Eye care Services 
  • Emergency Care services (emergency Unit) 
  • Special clinics (Medical Out-patient Clinic, Gynecology Out-patient Clinic, Surgical Out-patient Clinic, Pediatric Out-patient Clinic)

Preventive services

  • Vaccinations for all childhood illnesses 
  • Oral Polio Vaccine (Polio Vaccine) 
  • (Pentavalent Vaccine)-Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Hepatitis B and Haemophilus Influenza Vaccine 
  • Rota Virus vaccine 
  • Pneumococcal Vaccine 
  • Measles Rubella Vaccine 
  • Vitamin A 
  • Yellow Fever Vaccine 
  • Covid-19 vaccinations 
  • Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccinations  

Reproductive Health /Community Health Promotion / Human Immunodeficiency Virus & Tuberculosis Department Services

  • Reproductive Health  
  • Maternal health care 
  • Pre-natal care 
  • Post-natal care 
  • Ante-natal Care 
  • Family Planning Services 
  • High-risk Clinic 
  • Preventing Mother-to-Child Transmission Services
  • Post-abortion care  
  • Cervical cancer Screening  

Human Immunodeficiency Virus

  • Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome - counselling and testing services Care and treatment services 
  • Human Immunodeficiency Virus /Sexually
  • Transmitted Infections Prevention services  
  • Stigma reduction and advocacy 

Tuberculosis (TB)

  • Screening 
  • Prevention of Tuberculosis in Human Immunodeficiency Virus patients 
  • Tuberculosis Active Case Finding 

Community Health Program

  • Community Health Promotion by Community health promoters who follow up clients at the community level e.g., pregnant mothers, Non-Communicable Diseases, defaulter tracing 

Eligibility Requirements for Health Care Services at Ammusait General Hospital

  • No appointment requirements.  
  • Immunizations services are provided for children.  
  • Antenatal Care/Postnatal Care, Cervical screening, post-abortion care services are provided for women only.  
  • All services are provided for all regardless of the gender or sexual orientation.  
  • Human Papillomavirus Vaccinations (10 to 15 years) 
  • Immunisable childhood infections (below 5 years of age) 
  • Services are free.  
  • Services are available to refugees, asylum seekers and members of the host community.  
  • Provision of medicine available to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees’ Essential Medicines and Medical Supplies List.  

Accessibility of Ammusait General Hospital

  • The entrance to this location has a ramp.  
  • This location has female staff.  
  • This location has separate bathrooms for men and women.  
  • All services listed are free of charge.  
  • Interpretation is consistently available at this premises for Nuer, Somali, Lotuko, Burundi, Congolese, Rwandese, Turkana, Arabic
  • Female interpreters are available for Nuer, Somali, Congolese, Burundi, Arabic languages.  
  • Ambulances are available for live saving emergencies - Kakuma 1 – +254719105775, Kakuma 2, 3, 4 – +254719105549. 

IRC Kakuma Feedback Channels

If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback, you may either:  

  • Call +254701629346 
  • Email at feedback.kakuma@rescue.org 
  • Visit the physical help desk located at all health facilities/clinics 
  • Visit the IRC Offices located in LWF Compound 1 
  • Drop a suggestion at the suggestion boxes located at all IRC health facilities, the women’s centers 1 and 2, and the Compound 1 Main Gate. 

IRC will respond to feedback received within an agreed time frame (0-3 days for critical cases, 0-7 days for cases with high priority, 0-14 days for cases with medium priority and 0-28 days for cases with low priority)  
