Marriage Registration - Registrar of Marriages, Lodwar

Registrar of Marriages, Lodwar


Eligibility Requirements

  • Fill out forms
  • Valid Alien card/Refugee ID or a waiting slip
  • Refugee applicants who do not possess Valid Alien card/Refugee ID or a waiting slip must either first seek to obtain the required documents or obtain clearance from the Embassies of their respective countries.
  • Kenyans require a valid National ID Card
  • Two colored passport photo size of each party
  • Both will have to swear that they have never been married before
  • Two witnesses


  • Ksh. 600 for Notice of Marriage – placed on Notice Board for at least 21 days
  • Ksh. 600 for Registrar’s Certificate – If no objection is raised against the proposed marriage by third parties 
  • Ksh. 200 for Affidavit of Marriage – for each party to declare that they have are not presently in a marriage with any other person
  • Ksh. 2000 for solemnization of the marriage
  • Ksh. 500 – for marriage certificate
  • Ksh. 16500 per couple where they intend to have the Registrar of Marriages leave the duty station


Services also available at churches were there clergy are licensed to officiate marriages 

Marriage registration process takes at least 90 days